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Composure and Confidence

They’re not by accident.


Etymology. From Middle English composen, from Old French composer (“to compose, compound, adjust, settle”), from com- + poser, as an adaptation of Latin componere (“to put together, compose”), from com- (“together”) + ponere (“to put, place”).



To compose a piece.

To put together, construct.

These things happen iteratively, laboriously, and always intentionally.


Confidence comes from Latin, specifically the noun confīdentia from the verb confīdere “to confide.” The Latin prefix con-, a variant of com-, usually means “with; together; in combination,” but here it is an intensive prefix meaning “completely”; the verb fīdere means “to trust.” The related Latin noun fidēs “trust” is the ultimate source of the English word faith. Confidence entered English in the 14th century. 

"Confidence without evidence is delusion. You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are." - Alex Hormozi

Confidence literally means, etymologically, to have complete self-trust.

Self-trust is only possible with stacks of evidence; choices over time that intentionally layer into our habits.

What is character, after all, other than habit long continued?

The confidence that comes from this evidence of character shows itself to the world through composure, that enviable, bombproof trait of those we consider wise.

They have paid the price for peace. They have ferreted out fear and diligently replaced it with truth. One step at a time, they acted in accordance with a deliberately selected, intentionally forged, foundation of faith.

Composure and Confidence.

They’re not by accident.

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