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The Road Less Traveled

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Someday untested, celebrity-endorsed, heavily lobbied, bought-off-doctor-recommended, self-motivated-politician-enforced gene therapies...

BC P@ssp0rts

I just wanted to repost the following because it’s a nice little summary of why these vacc!ne p@sports accomplish absolutely nothing...


Make sure you don’t endanger the people that are protected!!!! Seriously?! By the way, this is the same guy claiming a woman’s “right to...

Letter to Kenney Dear Mr Kenney, We almost believed you guys when you said you’d treat Covid as the flu, endemic, something to just...

Letter to WestJet Hello, PLEASE do not require any kind of vaccine passport to travel. If our...

Surveillance State

🤩 CANCELED! 🤩 (Update at the bottom) They’re trying to weed out dissidents. They want to use drones to look for groups of 10+ people...

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